Coronation Street Party

Sunday 7th May 2023


The street party to celebrate the king’s coronation will take place on Sunday 7th May.

Compared to previous events this year’s party will be a low key event which will be less expensive. Tickets to cover the cost of the event will be just £1.


Residents should bring their own drinks for themselves or to share with others.


There will be a bring and share lunch at 12:30. It is suggested that the odd numbers bring savouries while the even numbers provide the dessert.


Tickets purchased are £1 per person, but free for under 5s.

The tickets will take the form of name badges (for adults) or wristbands (for children under 16) that will be worn on the day, so for each ticket we need to know the name to be printed and which type of ticket (Adult, under 16, under 5).   For young children (under 12) please supply a parent’s phone number to be printed on the wristband.

You can use an online form at to order tickets, or send an e-mail with your requirements.

Payment can be given to Gordon at No 56 (Any cheques should be payable to “Shirley Avenue Residents’ Association”). Alternatively, you can pay when we deliver your tickets.