April update – Street Party on 4th June


Preparation for the street party is now well under way, so now might be a good time to think about inviting any friends or family to join you on the day.
• Bunting It would be good if as many people as possible can decorate their houses and the street with bunting.
• Road Closed With the road being closed from 9am there will be opportunity for children to play in the car free street. Can we ask that you move your car from the street to make room for the party.
• Bouncy Castle For the first time there will be a bouncy castle available for children (and adults if they want!). Volunteers needed to supervise – see requests below!
• Face Painting and glitter tattoos will be available in the morning.
• Craft zone including painting plant pots, decorating biscuits, chalk drawing, treasure/scavenger hunts and more …
• Games zone including giant jenga, swingball, ‘beer pong’, hook a duck, badminton, wet play (and other contributions welcome!)
• Open Mike will be held after lunch. Do you play an instrument, sing or possess other entertainment talents? We would especially like to encourage children to participate.
• Afternoon Tea will be provided. Any offers to bake cakes would be gratefully received.
• All-age races and games including ride-on race, space-hopper relay, egg and spoon, Nerf gun battle, and water fight!

Pet Photo Competition

We are holding a pet photo competition this year and ask for printed photographs to be submitted if you wish to enter. You can enter your pet(s) into more than one category (maximum of 3 categories and a photo for each category will be required please).
The pet categories are:

  1. Funny pose
  2. Floppy ears
  3. Cheeky grin
  4. Fluffiest pet
  5. Pet with the most legs
  6. Longest tail
  7. Naturally colourful pet
  8. Best ‘lookalike’ pet e.g. with owner, celebrity,
    random – please submit pet photo with
    comparison photo of lookalike
  9. Most expressive eyes
  10. Most unusual pet

Please put pet’s name, your name and house number, best contact number and the category you would like your pet photo to enter on the back of the photograph and submit your entry to 69 Shirley Avenue (box will be in the porch) by Wednesday 1st June. Judges’ decision will be final and ribbons will be placed next to the photographs in the display area.
If you wish to have your photographs returned, they can be collected from the display area at 4pm on the day.
We look forward to seeing the awesome pets that we have in the Avenue!


Residents should bring their own drinks for themselves or to share with others. Unlike previous years there won’t be any drinks included in the ticket price.


As usual there will be a bring and share lunch. It is suggested that the even numbers bring savouries while the odd numbers provide the dessert. We should gather at 12:20 as lunch will be preceded by a loyal toast to her Majesty the Queen, and the singing of the National Anthem.
The seating arrangements will in traditional street party style with two long rows of trestle tables.
Although we have made arrangements to obtain those tables, some residents will need to bring tables on which to place the food.

Evening Meal

The main option for the evening meal is a buffet style curry with several dishes (chicken, lamb and vegetarian) available along with pilau rice.
As an alternative, if anyone would prefer fish and chips (or sausage, burger, pie etc) from St James chip shop, this can be arranged. Simply let us know what you would like when you buy your ticket.


The main evening entertainment will be provided by the Woodsiders Ceilidh & Barn Dance Band.


Tickets purchased on or before 28th May are £18 per adult, £10 for those aged 5 to 17, and free for under 5s. The price of the ticket includes the evening meal and the music.

The tickets will take the form of name badges (for adults) or wristbands (for children) that will be worn on the day, so for each ticket we need to know the name to be printed and which type of ticket (Adult, under 18, under 5). For late tickets (after 28th May) the price is £20 for adults and £12 for 5 to 17 year olds.  For young children (under 12) please supply a parent’s phone number to be printed on the wristband.

You can use an online form at shirleyavenue.co.uk/ticket-form to order tickets, or send an e-mail with your requirements.

Payment can be given to Gordon at No 56 (Any cheques should be payable to “Shirley Avenue Residents’ Association”). Alternatively, you can pay when we deliver your tickets.